Happy New Year

Yesterday I admitted to myself that I have had two true loves: writing and music. While I have done technical and grantwriting professionally over the last 20+ years, I have maintained journals and documented my life for twice that long.

I have committed to completing a first draft of my first memoir, Journal to Healing, in 2023. Today I set up this blog and author’s page to hold myself accountable to the focus and discipline to get the thing done, the book written. It’s a big step because I am mother to a seven year old son, Jamie, and my soon to be five year old, Zach. I will be writing while they are asleep, between 3-6AM! The universe will provide the energy that I need to do all the things and the angels will work in shifts to keep me propped up, eyes open in front of pad, paper and computer screen.

I am doing this for myself and for others who need to hear what I have to say about challenging perceived boundaries of possibility while holding steady - to face down fear - and to hear one’s own inner voice separate from popular opinion.

My youngest son received a rare disease diagnosis at eleven months and it has been both curse and blessing. The book is about our journey. I hope you’ll follow my progress and cheer me on from the sidelines.